Here's a recap of what I've done since the Tucson Festival of Books:
I released my Slice of Sci-Fi article You and the Horse You Rode in On, featuring some pretty cool guests authors, like:
Ben Bova
L.E. Modesitt
Gini Koch
Weston Oches
Bruce Davis
LepreCon 2014 was May 8-11. I did a blur of panels, loving them all. It was great seeing so many friendly faces, meeting new people and missing those who couldn't make it this year. There were great authors, fascinating artists, fab costumes and a great array of dealers.
Then came Phoenix Comicon 2014. Last year was 55k in attendance. This year 77k! The Guest line-up was pretty phenomenal, with Stan Lee, Nathan Fillion, John Barrowman, and soooooo many others that my fingers would wear out typing them. Of course our - Wyked Women who Write - were totally represented. The wonderful Gini Koch, Jordan Summers, Marsheila Rockwell, Sharon Skinner and Tina (T.M.) Williams. While scattered about a bit, we were all there.
Joseph manning Gini's table while she was off at panels
And the gorgeous Jordan Summers was a total hit.
Across from us were Weston Oches, Yvonne Navarro and David Lee Summers. This made for a busy stretch through Author Row, as they brought their latest releases for the Phoenix Comicon attendees.
Sorry if it's a bit blurry. Sometimes my phone doesn't want to focus,
no matter how many times I take the shot.
Not only was the guest lineup better, so were the costumes. Phoenix has definitely hit the CosPlay map. I managed a few pictures to share, but did spend most my time helping my friends with their tables, so by the time I got my camera up on the phone, they'd already passed us by.
Everyone knows I love a man in uniform.
And a well-dressed dog too.
And then there's our men in blue..
Then there's the AfterCon get-togethers. If you've ever rolled with Gini Koch, you know that includes food and drinks. We hit up Hanny's a few times. They're open late and have great drinks and food. Then the big dinner at District, who hand out the cotton candy after dinner.

Sometimes I have to fight Gini for my share.
Exhausted from what is becoming one of the best Comicons in the country, I only got a two day's rest before I had to pack my little truck again and head for CombatCon 2014 in Las Vegas.
14 years old but looks and acts like she's only 4.
At Combat Con 2014, at the Riviera Hotel, they have these fabulous Skyboxes that overlook the exhibition floor. They sectioned off areas for different lessons and tournaments. You could watch from the floor, or from above, making for a pretty cool spot to have lunch and a show. There are a great mix of battle presentation hosted by real stuntmen and martial artists. I found them very helpful for character development.
So, now it's nearly July. I get a few weeks rest before heading off with Gini Koch to San Diego Comicon, along with Joseph. I promise to take a real camera and bring back better pictures.
After that will be an appearance at CopperCon 2014, then a brand new con for me.... HawaiiCon 2014, yes, Comicon on the Beach. I so can't wait and will probably do a whole blog on that one all by itself. At the end of October will be TusCon 2014 and a week later, Tucson Comicon 2014.
Then, while I'm still working out the details for December, most, if not all the Wyked Women who Write, Gini Koch, Marsheila Rockwell, Jordan Summers, Sharon Skinner, Tina Williams, and ME, are going to the Henderson Barnes and Noble for a group book signing. Henderson, as in LAS VEGAS, baby!
Watch out Vegas. This one you all have to keep an eye out for. I might not be posting pictures of this one, since "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". So you better be there to catch any incriminating moments.
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